We have ceased our operations!
We have ceased our operations. We would like to thank our past customers and partners for the exciting projects during the years. Regarding IPR issues, please contact Hacklab Jyväskylä ry.
Koodilehto has ceased its operations
We have ceased our operations. We would like to thank our past customers and partners for the exciting projects during the years. Regarding IPR issues, please contact Hacklab Jyväskylä ry.
We prefer to work using open source technologies. This is visible in our showcase below.
Kryptoradio makes it possible to access the bitcoin network from anywhere, through DVB. It enables new ways to perform monetary transactions with minimal costs. Currently we are running trials on the technology at Finland.
Elovalo was a joint venture between Hacklab Jyväskylä ry, IhmeMedia and Koodilehto. The three cubes produced during the project have effective resolution of 512 voxels and are controllable using C and JavaScript. Our graphics controller is based on AVR ATMega328 and is quite minimal yet effective.
The project is a good example of collaboration between local organizations. It showcases our expertise in embedded development and 3D graphics. One instance of this latter was Blender based simulator we implemented and then used to visualize our effects before actual hardware was ready. In addition a JavaScript based IDE was implemented.
Our Business ID used to be: 2446827-3